When taking a break becomes permanent

Chances are If you trained for any length of time you have met quite a few people that take “A Break” but they never come back. How many of you have someone that says they trained “ back in the day” and wish they had never stopped? My first question is always, why did you stop? Why didn’t you keep going? The main answer I get….. I’m not sure…

Lets face it, sometimes life can get in the way. There can be money issues, health issues and just a lack of time. As we all know with the recent pandemic, things can and will happen to keep you from training. But you shouldn’t let it become permanent, especially if it’s something you really love doing. With the new technologies in place we have access to training like never before. You can take classes in-person as well as online. The amount of access we all have to quality training now is unparalleled. Whether it be in your home or in a school, now’s the perfect time!!

What you need is dedication. Most of us have days where we are sore or tired or days that you’d rather just sit home and relax. We all have days where we lack motivation. You have to be willing to get up and get going. You need to push yourself to create good training habits. Even though those habits can be hard to create, they are worth it. A good workout can help you burn steam and refocus even on your worst days due to the fact that it releases something called “Feel Good Endorphins”. Quoting The National Library of Medicine.. “Elevated serum beta-endorphin concentrations induced by exercise have been linked to several psychological and physiological changes, including mood state changes and 'exercise-induced euphoria', altered pain perception, and the stress responses of numerous hormones”. In layman’s terms… You will become tougher, you won’t be so stressed, over all you will feel BETTER!!

Training in the martial arts can be a great thing if you stick it out. Don’t give up! When you reach your goal I guarantee you won’t look back and regret the time you spent …


Why You Should Be Training


New Years Resolutions